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    Open access research
    publication repository


    R-libre is TELUQ's institutional repository, where its professors make their scientific papers, and other research documents, available to the public.

    R-libre primarily features peer-reviewed scientific articles, authored by TELUQ professors, already or soon to be published. One will also find other document types resulting from their research activities: conference papers, book chapters, articles in cultural or professionnal journals, research reports, patents, etc.

    R-libre also contains TELUQ Doctoral dissertations and Master's theses.

    One can explore the repository content by:
    • using the 西风app ios;
    • browsing, by 蚂蚁加速app官网下载地址, by author, by unit (departement or research unit), or by year of publication.

    More information on R-libre, is available in About R-libre.

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